
Interested in submitting an article to The Neighbourhood Post? 

Please submit your opinion article using the following google form:

General Guidelines and Information:

Font: 12 point size in Arial, Times or Times New Roman only. No fancy fonts.​
Word Count: Opinion pieces should not pass 800 words, and are ideally between 500-700 words total.
Please submit a Word document, or a Google Doc with editing enabled.

Content Guidelines:
Only Canadian politics, preferably local.
No hate speech (ie. slurs or discriminatory language)

No calls for, or sympathizing with violence.
Target audience is wide, as all groups may have access to these pieces.

Give a political voice to youth.

Be informative by sharing interesting and relative information.
Create an interesting piece for individuals to learn about Canadian politics.

When selected, you will be contacted with information on the editing and publication process.

Questions? Contact us at